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Practitioner Level 1 - Yellow Belt Course

Learn the fundamental principles of Krav Maga. Start at the beginning. Learn the basic strikes, kicks, blocks and other defensive techniques to empower you to defend yourself in real world attacks. Course is presented over a 15 week period 

R300.00 per person per month 

Practitioner Level 2 - Orange Belt

On successful completion of Practitioner Level 1, move on to more advanced techniques such as grappling, takedowns and throws. Further refine the skills learned in Level 1

R300.00 per person per month

Short Courses

Do you have a specific requirement or need? Let us tailor make a course for you. We provide focused training for Security Officers and Guards. We are currently developing a Farm Security Course to help combat the current violent farm attacks. Whatever your need, we will have training to satisfy it.  


Price is dependent on requirement  

Graduate Level 1 and 2

Further refine skills learned during Practitioner Levels. Here we teach more advanced self defense techniques as well as defenses against weapons such as knifes and fire arms. At this level a lot of focus is placed on fast, aggressive and devastating attacks aimed at totally destroying the opponent. Not for the feint hearted


R350.00 per person per month


Please note: Graduate level training can only be attended once Practitioner Level 2 has been achieved 

Woman Specific Training

We also offer courses aimed only at woman. This includes training in situational awareness and anti-rape training. This is the type of training that any woman living in South Africa must have. The skills we teach here will save you from such violent attacks such as house penetration, hijacking, rape attempts and more.


R300.00 per person 

Focused Fitness Training 

As fitness improves your combat abilities we also offer focused fitness training in the form of continues combative application, much like Taebo. Our fitness program is fun, but still highly intensive and effective. The continues application of techniques also helps with muscle memory and the retention of skills learned. 


R300.00 per person per month

Kids Krav 

Our kids are our most precious possessions and we need to look after them always. Unfortunately we cannot be with them all the time. We need to empower our young ones with the necessary awareness and skills to escape form threatening situations. In our Kids Krav Classes we focus on situational dangers, stranger threats, anti-bully and confidence building. Our Kids Krav classes are fun and the techniques are designed to be effective and easy to learn. 


R200.00 per kid per month

10 Point Plan

Don't have a lot of time to devote to training but still want to learn how to defend yourself? We have developed a system that can be learned in 2 to 3 hours. Included in the system is the absolute bare techniques that can be easily learned, absorbed and recalled in a very short time. These techniques will enable you to stand your own in most attacks on the streets. No fancy or complicated techniques, just the A to B attacks to survive an attack.


R300.00 per 3 hour session


79B Green St, Verwoerdpark, Kimberley, 8301, South Africa


084 336 0721


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